A guide to your first steps
KidsOwn Worship Quick-Start Guide
The KidsOwn Worship Quick-Start Guide is designed to help new KidsOwn Worship users jump right into leading easy and effective Sunday school lessons. You may continue reading online below or download your printable PDF version. As always, if you have any questions please scroll down this page to find our Customer Care Team contact info. Enjoy!
Step One
Sit, relax, and grab a favorite snack or drink. Open the Leader’s Guide and read the Table of Contents and Introduction to discover the topics you will teach this quarter and key features of your KidsOwn Worship curriculum.
Step Two
Step Three
Turn to the lesson you’re leading this week.
Notice the “Worship Theme.” Each activity within the lesson will help kids understand the Worship Theme in a meaningful way.
Review the chart that shows all the activity options. Notice that each activity has an amount of time associated with it. Please choose to do the activity or skip the activity based on your timeframe. Looking for good activities to do with both preschool and elementary kids together? Those activities are marked with a *.
The skit book has an additional drama-based activity option each week.
Every week you’ll use the CD-ROM (included) to lead kids in worship.
Need activities for a group of only preschoolers? Find the “Preschool Activities” page in the middle of the lesson.
Gather the supplies needed for your activity choices. These supplies will help the visual learners and kinesthetic learners within your group to grow closer to Jesus.
Make photocopies of the “okay
Prepare for the lesson. You’ll find the “Easy Prep for Leaders” section on the page after the Bible Background.
Step Four
Everything the leader says is in bold type and easy to see at a glance. Each time you use music, you can find the lyrics pages in the back of the leader guide.
Step Five
Use the activities you prepared and the creative insights God gave you to minister to kids. Look for teachable moments that you can use to encourage kids or ask follow-up questions. Keep your antenna up for “God Sightings”—moments when God is at work.