What you see on the outside is a reflection of what's on the inside! Group staff believes in our mission of creating experiences that help people grow in relationship with Jesus and each other. They are empowered by our core values:



We believe our work environment should be friendly, fun, fair and forgiving. We communicate directly with one another, sharing our concerns with those who can best affect the situation. We handle our differences with love and tact, without raising our voices or lowering our integrity. We encourage continual self-improvement, allowing each individual to grow in value, effectiveness and self-fulfillment. And together we work hard, enabling fair salaries, benefits and the sharing of financial success.


The Group environment is one of constant change. We're always looking for "a better way"−in our products as well in our internal operations. We're not afraid to take calculated risks, acknowledging that some of our pioneering efforts will result in failure. But we learn from our failures and press on. Never satisfied with the way we've always done it", we're willing to challenge the status quo. And we're dedicated to moving quickly to bring our innovations to our customers.

R.E.A.L. Learning

Group’s approach goes beyond teaching to focus on authentic transformation. Transformation happens when it’s REAL—relational, experiential, applicable and learner-based. We apply REAL principles with our staff and our customers. Our resources and services concentrate on the essentials of the Christian faith, helping lifelong learners of all ages grow in relationship with Jesus and each other.


To give our best to the Lord we serve, we deliver excellence in our work, products, processes, services and relationships. We look to our customers to guide our definition of quality. Through ongoing contact we strive to know our customers' needs, wants and preferences. We deliver quality in the areas most valued by our customers.


Jesus calls us to work with a spirit of servanthood. As servants we seek not to elevate ourselves but to focus on the needs of others. We treat our customers, vendors and fellow staff with humility, respect and integrity. We strive to provide exemplary service to each of our internal customers (other staff members) as well as our external customers. And as faithful servants, we exhibit careful stewardship of our gifts, time, finances and material resources.