IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Please call 1-800-447-1070 to make changes to your existing Easy Order Program; we look forward to your call.

Photo: A notepad with to-do list written on it. The phrase "Don't forget to order quarterly curriculum" is checked off.

Group Sunday School
Easy Order Program

Ordering Curriculum Made Easy!

Group's Easy Order Program makes purchasing curriculum SIMPLE and takes the stress out of remembering to place your quarterly order. Just follow these easy steps

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Call 1-800-447-1070 or fill out the form below and your Group Curriculum Coach will contact you to set up your standing order.

envelope icon

Watch for reminder email

You'll receive a reminder email each quarter confirming your order and providing a deadline to make any changes.

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Adjust as needed

To adjust quantities, simply call or email your curriculum specialist. No changes? — do nothing and your quarterly curriculum will be shipped automatically with time to prepare for the next quarter.

And by participating in the Easy Order Program, you'll automatically receive FREE SHIPPING on your curriculum order! (Available to all 50 U.S. States and U.S. Territories)

Curriculum Planning Calendar

Click the button below for a printable version of Group’s suggested quarterly start dates and weekly lesson schedule.

Easy Order Program Dates

Change Dates and Ship Dates for Group's Easy Order Program will vary depending on your location. If you are enrolled in Group's Easy Order Program, you will also receive an email reminder at least one week before your final change date.

Choose your state to see the key dates that apply to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Easy Order Program is a simple way for you to automatically receive your curriculum order each quarter—and get FREE SHIPPING! If you have a current Church customer account with Group, you can place your order for curriculum just once, then receive your order on time each quarter without having to call in throughout the year.
Change Dates and Ship Dates will vary depending on your location. Please choose your state from the list below, and the key dates for the next four quarters will be displayed for your shipping zone. You will also receive an email reminder at least one week before your final change date with an itemized list of the materials that you’ll be receiving.
It's simple! To sign up for Easy Order, you must have a current Church customer account with Group. Sign up for Easy Order or learn more about getting a customer account by calling Group at 1-800-447-1070 .
The order you place with the current quarter of curriculum will automatically carry over to the next quarter unless you change it. To make changes to future quarters, you must wait until your current quarter is shipped, then call 1-800-447-1070 or email to have a customer service representative help you with changes.
The only quarter you can skip is summer. To skip the summer quarter, please let your curriculum rep know you will not need products shipped for summer.
Because the Easy Order Program includes free shipping, there are no shipping options. All orders will be shipped via UPS Ground delivery. Orders will be shipped to arrive four to six weeks before the start of the quarter. Orders with different shipping options can be placed as usual through Group's online store or via phone at 1-800-447-1070.


Contact our friendly
Customer Care Team at 1-800-447-1070
