There’s power in simplicity.
A Sunday school curriculum with focus, clarity, and permission to exhale.

Sundays can be
simple and meaningful.
How Does Simply Loved
Keep Sundays Simple?
No matter your age, Bible Memory Buddies make learning stick!
Your best buddies from Group VBS are joining Sunday school!
It’s a proven brainy thing that kids are conditioned to remember fun facts and crazy connections to characters they know and love.
SO when kids meet Savanna the giraffe, they remember that just like Savanna’s long neck, all God’s people should understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep God’s love is.
Sample Music
Every quarter of Simply Loved includes six worship music video songs featuring a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary worship favorites.
Pre-K & K lessons feature a mix of weekly classroom songs that ease transition times and songs that help kids remember each lesson's Bible Memory Verse.
Bible Verse Song
Cleanup Song
Welcome Song
Prayer Song
Goodbye Song
Sample Videos
Each Simply Loved lesson includes videos that will engage kids and make Bible Points even more memorable. Bible Memory Buddy videos will provide a window into God’s amazing creation. And top-notch worship videos from Group’s popular VBS programs will get your kids up and moving.
Bible Memory Buddy Elementary
Bible Memory Buddy Pre-K and K
Music Video Hymn
Music Video Worship
A new Bible Memory Buddy is featured every month in Simply Loved, and every week your Bible Buddy makes an unforgettable Bible point.

The science behind this type of learning is the basis of Group’s REAL learning philosophy, and it’s true for all ages.
- Build a Relationship with a buddy,
- Have a shared faith-building Experience,
- Discover how it Applies to your life and,
- You can’t help but remember it for a Lifetime!

Simply Loved is a
journey through the Bible.
The scope & sequence is a 3-year journey, and each quarter explores both the Old and New Testaments.
You can start Simply Loved any time of year! Insert Holiday Packs when the time is right.

Simply Loved by churches.
Order in three simple steps.
You can complete all of these steps with the Express Order Form.
Easily purchase Simply Loved quarterly and holiday resources. Simply pick a quarter, add the resources you want, and add to cart.
Start My Express Order
Simply Ideal for Upper Elementary
Simply Loved is for all ages – with a special bonus for Upper Elementary grades!
If you have older kids in your crew, you can invite them to use more critical thinking skills as they grow in their faith. The Simply Loved Upper Elementary Digital Add-On Pack challenges kids in Grades 5 & 6 to discover the historical or literary context of Scripture and explore a deeper appreciation for God’s word.
The add-on pack tags along with your Elementary Kit. It includes activities to supplement or replace the current “Apply-It” section of the elementary lesson. Your digital pack can go with either a Standard Kit or Plus Digital kit for just $34.99 per quarter.

Each quarterly Upper Elementary Pack includes:
- 24 Apply-It Options designed for older kids (2 per lesson)
- An optional strategy for giving the older kids in your group more leadership responsibilities
- An activation code for accessing printable pages online
And just like the rest of your Simply Loved lesson, Upper Elementary Apply-It Options require little prep and few supplies.