Get all the Talk-About Videos for Digging into the Bible in One Year. The DVD set includes videos for all 4 quarters of lessons, plus holiday lessons, in a handy DVD format. Use this DVD in classrooms equipped with a standard DVD player attached to a TV or projector.
Product Detail
Talk-About videos engage visual learners to help them connect with the Bible point.
52 quarterly Talk-About videos included, plus 2 holiday Talk-About videos.
What's Included
- Week 1: God's Creation
- Week 2: Programming Robots
- Week 3: Sarah's Story
- Week 4: Promises, Promises
- Week 5: Smile Awhile
- Week 6: Trouble At the Lab
- Week 7: Work It Out
- Week 8: A Nile Surprise
- Week 9: Rescue!
- Week 10: How to Build a Bike
- Week 11: The Golden Calf
- Week 12: What Scares You?
- Week 13: Hee-Haw
- Week 14: Rahab's Story
- Week 15: Doctor's Office
- Week 16: Go Ask Deb
- Week 17: Summer Camp
- Week 18: Buddy Bench
- Week 19: Can You Hear Me?
- Week 20: Eli's Story
- Week 21: Addy's Story
- Week 22: Noa's Story
- Week 23: Solomon Has a Dream
- Week 24: The Real Way
- Week 25: Everything's Gone
- Week 26: Cleaning the Temple
- Week 27: The Tree House
- Week 28: The Wall
- Week 29: Buccaneer Adventure Island
- Week 30: Kyle's Story
- Week 31: Bethany's Story
- Week 32: God Spoke
- Week 33: James' Story
- Week 34: God Saves Daniel
- Week 35: Journey With Jonah
- Week 36: Keep Dreaming
- Week 37: Prepare the Way
- Week 38: Hard Questions
- Week 39: Wilderness Explorers
- Week 40: Caedmon and Noah's Story
- Week 41: 100% Real Fruit
- Week 42: Anointed
- Week 43: Real or Trick
- Week 44: Pentecost Power
- Week 45: Charles' Story
- Week 46: Nom Nom
- Week 47: Seivert's Story
- Week 48: Forever Changed
- Week 49: Out of Control
- Week 50: Young and Old
- Week 51: Matt's Family Band
- Week 52: A Forever Friendship
- Christmas: The Shepherds' Story
- Palm Sunday: Small
- People Productions
- Easter
These are the same videos available for free download with a DIG IN subscription. Digging into the Bible in One Year DVD is made available as a convenience to those wanting a physical DVD.