Book clubs are a great opportunity to bring women together and have some fun!
In each SNAP book club download you'll find a short summary of the plot of the book, a recipe for a food that ties to a theme or character from the book, ideas for decorations or other additions, plus discussion questions and Scriptures that relate to the story. This is not a download of the book. Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, is a beautifully written story on simplicity, patience, contendeness, purpose, relationships and how these all relate to the complex things we face in life. The wife of aviator Charles Lindbergh, Anne Morrow Lindbergh takes us on a journey through her heart that still rings true today.
This download is part of the SNAP! Women's Ministry Digital Downloads series. SNAP Downloads are here to bring you all kinds of creative help--right at your fingertips! Includes downloads for events, devotions, service projects, leadership and more. This is a downloadable file (PDF) that contains a summary of the book. It is not the entire book. - Size: 4 pages, 740 KB. Please note that downloadable products are non-returnable: all sales for these items are final.