Youth Ministry Curriculum

The Secret to Discipling Teenagers is Jesus
The relationship students develop with Jesus during their teenage years will shape the rest of their lives, which is why your job as a youth pastor is so important. This small-group curriculum will help students encounter Jesus every week and influence a future generation of leaders whose passion for Jesus will transform others from the inside out.
LIVE Curriculum helps you disciple teenagers by immersing them in who matters most: Jesus.
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Curriculum At-A-Glance

When you buy LIVE you get:
Bonus Daily Texting App:

LIVE’s most popular curriculum lines also include the LIVE Daily student app which helps the lessons stick!
How LIVE Immerses Teenagers In Jesus’ Heart
Students hear the weekly lesson
Teaches them to center on Jesus
Gets them talking, asking questions, discovering answers
Lessons are reinforced each day of the previous week through the LIVE Daily app
Interrupts students and draws their attention to Jesus
Gets them actively experiencing what they’re learning in real life
lessons are reinforced at home with parent emails
Parents know the key topic and Bible point from the week’s lesson
Parents and teenagers talk and learn together using conversation prompts
Dear parents,
We’ve begun a new series focusing on the theme “Friends and Family.” For the next three weeks, students will study different passages of Scripture to discover the powerful, life-giving exchange that happens in relationship with God and with people he’s given to us to share life with.
In this first lesson, we looked at Genesis 2:4-25 and Genesis 3:1-11, where God is in relationship with Adam and Eve. Through his perfect love, God gave the first couple everything they needed. Even when they disobeyed his command not to eat the fruit of one tree, God pursued them and brought them out of hiding. God desires to engage in authentic relationship with us, as well, and he wants to be at the center of our relationships with others. God’s perfect love provides all we need, and together we can trust him.
This week, I encourage you to spend a few minutes talking with your teenager about our lesson. Consider building your conversation around these questions:
What might it have been like to live in a garden that God created for you, with everything you needed to enjoy life with God? How can trust and honesty build relationships? How can a lack of trust and honesty destroy relationships? When have you relied on a person so much that you began placing your trust in him or her instead of in God? How did you begin trusting in God again?
Thanks for all your prayers for our students and our ministry. Have a great week!
Repeat all year, 5th grade through college
Result: Jesus-centered young adults grounded in faith, changing the world, and making disciples
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LIVE Curriculum Options
Each curriculum purchase includes a year's access to LIVE online, which delivers curriculum and helps you manage your leaders. $110 value

Programs that have the app icon are compatible with the LIVE DAILY app.

LIVE High School
144 lessons that speak into students' lives amid all the other voices and help them place Jesus at the center of everything. Graphics Pack Now Included for FREE!

LIVE Junior High
72 lessons to engage students in powerful conversations, Scripture exploration, and the development of healthy faith habits.

LIVE High School/Junior High Bundle
Combining the best-selling LIVE High School and Junior High lines, the LIVE Bundle provides you six years of curriculum (216 lessons) that will help grow teenagers’ faith, while immersing them in the heart of Jesus.

LIVE Back To School
During this 4-week series, students will identify ways they can make a difference at school this year, plus discover a strategy to help them hold steady when life’s waters get stormy.

LIVE 5th & 6th Grade
72 Bible-saturated, Jesus-centered lessons to help preteens make the transition from Sunday School to Youth Group.

LIVE Books of the Bible
73 lessons that give teenagers a strong biblical foundation.

LIVE Year with Jesus
36 Bible-saturated, Jesus-centered lessons to help preteens make the transition from Sunday School to Youth Group.

LIVE Apologetics
17 lessons that equip teenagers to understand, explain, and defend their faith.

LIVE My New Life with Jesus
8 lessons to help teenagers understand the heart of Jesus and his role in their life.

LIVE College
72 lessons that help 18- to 20-somethings embrace an authentic faith of their own and gain independence in the real world.

LIVE Jesus-Centered Life
6 lessons that focus on pursuing the heart of Jesus, not just his recipes.

LIVE Leadership
60 lessons to help teenagers build a solid, biblical foundation of leadership. Great for students who want to take on more responsibility in ministry.

LIVE Journey to Freedom
36 lessons that tackle some of the toughest issues teens face today.

LIVE Urban
16 lessons for ministries with diverse backgrounds and needs.

LIVE Simple Truth
36 Lessons that will empower your students to explore life-shaping, thought-provoking, Jesus-centered truths that will transform them into the people God crafted them to be.